As I Wait for Jovie

It's been longer than I'd hoped. What can I say? I've been unmotivated to write. I've opened this silly page multiple times, only to close it hours later with a few words scribbled in. Can you scribble on the computer? It felt like scribbling at least. Then blogger changed it's look, and I didn't care to learn the new ways. I've succumbed.

After Anaya's dramatic sickness, Jon caught the flu, or at least that's what we diagnosed because everything the doctors' said didn't seem to fit. I guess we're just really smart, or something... ;) I learned how much Jon usually helps, because this Mama found herself exhausted at the end of the days. I am truly a blessed woman, and my hat goes off to you single Mamas or Mamas with really busy or really lazy husbands. Sometimes I feel like a rockstar Mom, raising Anaya well enough to hold my head proud, but truth be told, it's only a team effort. Jon is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. For you singles out there, make this a priority on your list and don't settle!

I find myself a mere 8 weeks or so away from having our little Jovie girl join us. This brings mixed emotions...

I am obviously thrilled to meet this little girl, who is attempting to push through my belly and play with her sister on a regular basis now. I cannot wait to see what she looks like, if she is similar to Anaya or completely different. (SUCH an amazing moment to SEE this little person who has been residing in your tummy for a long 9 months!) To hold a tiny newborn that is my very own. Ugh! I can hardly remember; it seems ages ago now.

Then I find myself sad for the adjustments Anaya is about to face. Ultimately the pros outweigh the cons, and I am happy we decided to have these two so close; however, it will be a little confusing and difficult at times, and that makes me sad. I like Anaya to feel secure and loved. It is never easy to be forced into selflessness.

I am dreading the year of breastfeeding to come. Sorry to you ladies, who love it and feel so bonded. I will do it because I feel like it is best for Jovie and me, but I do not miss it in the least.

I dread labor. Well, to be honest, it is less the labor and more the recovery. The labor isn't nice, but it is fairly short-lived. My recovery was on the difficult side last time, mainly due to the emergency large episiotomy to get Anaya out. Perhaps this time will be easier. 

Which brings me to the fact that my mom is coming. Pure excitement. AH! I still can hardly believe it. It will be such a blessing. I know she'll be a huge help around the house, but more importantly, she can give a little extra lovin' to Anaya during a chaotic time for Jon and I. And then she can help me with Jovie so Jon can give some lovin' to Anaya. And round and round. You get the picture. Awesome. Big thanks to my Daddy-o, who is sacrificing his wifey for 20 days and budgeting for a not so cheap trip. Turns out June is expensive to get here!

So those are a few of the emotions/thoughts floating around this soul of mine. It is funny how things just happen though. They come and go and life adjusts and before you know it, you can't imagine things any different. I know Jovie will add so much joy to our lives, as her name implies. Little Jovie Fé will teach us/show us to have a joyful faith. It is good.

7 Response to "As I Wait for Jovie"

  1. Beautiful Warrior says:
    April 22, 2012 at 3:38 PM

    I am glad that you finally found some words to type. :-) I can relate to so much of what you shared. The second time around, you are still thrilled to meet your baby, but you also understand how hard it is going to be. Cast your cares on the Lord! He will give you and your body the strength to go through the process again. Remember that you had a challenging delivery/recovery last time; I would be willing to bet that things will be easier this time. (I am certainly praying that for you!) You are right... "things will just happen." And then you will be a family of four, and it will be VERY good. : )

  2. Shaunna Lynn says:
    April 22, 2012 at 4:03 PM

    As I sit here Breastfeeding my child I say amen to your thoughts on this LABOR of love! I can't wait for 33 weeks to pass for this phase to be over for us ;) I'm praying for this delivery to go largely different, smoother than Anaya girls! Much love!

  3. bleedingdaughter says:
    April 23, 2012 at 5:53 AM

    YAY!!! yay for soon, for a sister for anaya, for wonderful mommies, for hating breastfeeding and all of it!
    i pray recovery is easier. love love love the pics. thanks for those.

  4. Heather@Cultivated Lives says:
    April 23, 2012 at 8:20 AM

    Praying for a smooth delivery. I had an episiotomy with my first and didn't with my second. It almost felt like spitting out a watermelon seed in comparison.

    So thankful that your mom will get to come out!!!

  5. Momma says:
    April 23, 2012 at 9:26 PM

    You look great Layne. I'm sorry breastfeeding isn't fun for you. So glad God is with you and that you have a great hubby! I'm jealous of how beautiful your tummy looks, do you get to escape stretch marks? If so, what a lucky lady, though our precious babies are worth every mark ;).

  6. Layne Heller says:
    April 24, 2012 at 12:03 PM

    Thanks guys for encouragement and prayers! Oh Anna... I wish I escaped stretch marks. They are fairly light colored so the hide OK, but the sun is evil and they shine like crazy. ;)

  7. Vicki Says:
    April 24, 2012 at 11:05 PM

    Beautiful pictures! I sure love you ... and your precious family :-)

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