12 days Postpartum

*Warning - Womanly topics without a filter. Read at your own discretion.*

12 days postpartum

Breastfeeding - 

I had hopes that only stopping Anaya four months ago would mean great ease for me, yet the nipples protested. Scabs. Yep, just like with Anaya, a little blood and scabbing and many wincing faces as Jovie would latch, and then relief could come. We endured and today, day 12, I am nearly scab and pain free.

Now for a quick side story -

     Last week I was up in the night for a breastfeeding session. Jovie had pooped, so I wanted to change her in between sides to help keep her awake and get a full feeding in.While laying on her back, she spit up just a bit, and when I wiped her mouth, there was a little blood. As you could imagine, I panicked for a split second wondering why in the world she could be bleeding from her mouth. Perhaps internal bleeding??? AH! Then I looked down and realized it was just from my boob. Gross. Scary though...

In other news, thanks to breastfeeding, I have lost 15-16lbs of my pregnancy weight and have 10 to go, which if it happens like Anaya, will come off on its own over the next month or so. Not to mention I have been snacking, snacking, snacking. If I would watch what I ate at all, I think I'd be pleased with the results. I can be back into all my jeans, I just don't enjoy the tight feeling in the waist or the potential muffin top every time I sit, so I may wait on some of those. My mom and I teased about the incredible shrinking tummy, as each morning I could wake up and visibly notice the flatting of the preggo bulge. How nice that we were created to still look pregnant after having the baby?? Horrible! I told the Lord... Anyways, it is close to flat now, and just in need of toning, which I hope to jump on after my 6wk release from the doc. For now I try to avoid looking at my tummy anytime I lean over, just depressing.

Also, so far, no engorgement or crazy leaking. It may come, but we'll see. For now I can avoid the shower shuffle. Once Jovie gets on her own schedule, I'll probably start pumping, and that will bring it's own adventures.

Ways it is nice to be a 2nd time breastfeeding mom - I am a pro at layin' Jovie on the boppy and having 2 hands while breastfeeding. I eat dinner, read to Anaya, type easily. It's all about multitasking, I tell ya! I got super sick the other night and even brestfed while barfing into a bucket. (That wasn't nice, but it was nice to know it was possible. Mom's don't get breaks! Especially breastfeeding Mamas.) I breastfeed comfortably and easily in public with my cover; I can even do it on the move if I have to! And whether it is good or not, boobs have lost their mystery to me, and I will not be mortified if I accidentally flash someone switching sides. (Mind you, I definitely try all I can not to.) I just remember being super self conscious with Anaya. After a whole year of breastfeeding Anaya, it is second nature to me now!

Uterine cramps -

I hadn't forgotten. They were as bad as ever. I think they lasted 3-4 days. Because they were longer than 30 seconds, I would argue they might have been worse than my labor contractions, and when your holding your newborn baby and trying not to squeeze the tar out of her while she eats... yeah, difficult! They do end though, and I kept telling myself that was how I was going to get skinny again; my soccer ball in the belly needed to shrink!

Bleeding and Stitches -

I am blessed when it comes to postpartum bleeding. I do not bleed heavy or long. So, at 12 days postpartum, I am about done and wear something only for peace of mind. Stitches aren't the nicest that first week. Wiping is tricky and is more like careful dabbing, and they sometimes like to get caught on that lovely pad you have to wear. Ouch! As you heal, they sometimes feel a little stingy and itchy, so because of where they are located it is just extra uncomfortable. 12 days postpartum, I feel fairly normal and pain free down there, and remind myself the strange bump of skin that was put back together does go back to feeling smooth down the road... not to worry.


So there are a few of the tough things, but it being baby #2 makes the transition through these things so much easier. I know I can and will get back to myself soon. With Anaya I seriously doubted it was ever possible, though delivery and recovery had been much harder. This time I don't wonder or worry, in fact,  I know it's right around the corner. 

5 Response to "12 days Postpartum"

  1. judykprescott says:
    June 27, 2012 at 6:38 PM

    Loved it! Felt so connected ;)

  2. Heather@Cultivated Lives says:
    June 27, 2012 at 9:41 PM

    way to go mama! It is so much easier the second time around, not because everything necessarily goes better, but because you know what you are doing. barfing and breastfeeding... you take your skills to new heights. I've yet to have to do that, 4 kids later.

  3. Vicki Says:
    June 28, 2012 at 4:29 PM

    Oh my, Layne -- I love the way you can make me laugh out loud -- hahahaha!!!
    I had nearly forgotten some of those earthy postpartum details; what lovely (?) and eloquent reminders you have given me :-)
    Thanks, Dear <3. You are awesome!! And you are a wonderful mother to my precious grandbabies. I love you so much!

  4. bleedingdaughter says:
    July 1, 2012 at 12:44 AM

    i love that you are real. thanks for inviting us in

  5. Melissa Lemmons says:
    October 13, 2012 at 7:29 PM

    The postpartum uterine cramps were way worse than labor. And it was way worse with my second.

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