
Please pray for my friend Rosina.

She is a patient in the oncology ward, who has wounds/tumors which are not healing on one of her legs. She was informed a couple days ago that they would be amputating. As you can imagine, this was news she was taking quite difficultly. Her facial expressions shouted pain in every moment, so I tried to hope alongside her that the pain would end with the amputation. Still, I left her sad in her bed.

Today when I visited Rosina, the surgery had still not been done. She was hunched over in pain, having difficulty breathing, her eyes rolling back as she came in and out of sleep. She told me she couldn't talk today. I don't mind not talking. She needed her back scratched, water held to her mouth to drink, a shoulder to lean on, prayers to be said over her.

My prayer was and is that Rosina felt the arms of Jesus supporting and loving her this afternoon.

Please pray that her pain would diminish, that she would breath easily, that she would rest well, and that she would know the close presence of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter.

3 Response to "Rosina"

  1. Amy Wilson says:
    October 23, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    I'm standing in agreement with you for sweet Rosina. We love you guys. xoxo


  2. ninismom33 says:
    October 25, 2010 at 4:35 PM

    I'm so sorry for her. It makes me want to cry. I'll be lifting her up in prayer...and for you too. Be strong Layne, I'm sure she needs to know someone cares. God, I pray you'll answer and let Rosina know we are praying and you are hearing no matter how you choose to answer. Love you Layne..

  3. judykprescott says:
    October 27, 2010 at 4:14 AM

    Dear God I pray by this time your precious Rosina has had her surgery and that God her pain be gone. Lord I pray for Layne as she ministers to Rosina as well as others and I thank you God that she and Anaya are a blessing to your people in need.

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