Cloth Diapers - Report #1

They are cute, cute.

Wouldn't you agree?

As for leaking...

Day 1 was fairly successful. During the day, we had no leaks. She wore the diapers about 3 hours at a time. I put double inserts in for the night, and the diaper made it 10 hours, but I should have changed her right away, instead of trying to wait until her feeding. She did leak around the leg.

I was feeling pretty good, somewhat proud of myself, as if I had made the diapers or something. Ha! However, day 2 fell apart. Lots of leaks, even after less than 2 hours. Needless to say, I was very frustrated. Now, when I say leaks, I'm not talking super wet, but it does get her little onesie wet around the leg.

For now, I put her back in disposables. We had an all day outing today, and I just didn't want to worry about it.

Here is the plan: After reading some reviews, I think I will strip my diapers. What this means is that I will soak them in water with dish soap. (In the US they recommend Dawn dish soap. I don't have that here in Mozambique, so I will use Sunlight.) The covers have certain synthetics in them that can make them less absorbent. One lady said she had the same problems that I am having, but after stripping them, no more leaks! I am hoping this will work as well for me and solve our leaking problems.

I will soak them tonight, wash them tomorrow, and hang them to dry.

I shall report on Monday or Tuesday.

Cloth Diapering - Introduction and Prep

My reason for cloth diapering was solely financial. Sure, like most people, the idea of being 'green' sounds nice, but I am honestly not very motivated by that. You think diapers in America are expensive? They are even more so here in Mozambique, because they have to be imported. UGH!

When I began looking into it, I was suddenly overwhelmed. SO many options, and a lot of them seemed like an expensive start up cost. I began reading reviews to find the best fit for our family.

I ended up ordering 24 Sunbaby one-size pocket diapers with 48 inserts off Ebay from a lady in China for $156 w/o shipping. (US shipping is free, but it was only $30 to have them delivered to my door in Mozambique!) I did double inserts for every diaper, so when she begins wetting heavier, we'll be set. Also, night time can need extra absorbency, if she'd ever sleep through the night! Ha! These diapers are made for babies 7-35lbs, which means no need for small, medium, and large... that would be expensive! Though, I have heard they fit better around 10lbs.

(I will tell you that the seller of Sunbaby diapers on Ebay is currently taking a break, but I hope she will resume her sales soon. I have heard that Coolababy diapers are almost exactly the same, also cheap from Ebay.)

Anticipating some adjustment to having a baby around the house, I chose to wait until 2 months to begin. So now she is at 9wks and I am just getting started. =)

Now I'll introduced to the diaper:

Here is the diaper laid flat. All the snaps are for fitting adjustments.

Largest setting And the smallest

This is the pocket the insert goes into

Like so

I bought a cute soak bucket with a lid to put the diapers in after worn, but before washing, while I wait for a full load.

It is recommended to do one or two washes before use, so I soaked my diapers in water for awhile, then washed them once in the washer with detergent, and dried on the line. (We do all drying on the line, unless it is raining.)

Note the cute colors and patterns!

Some people put the inserts in as they are putting the diaper on, but I prefer to have a drawer full of diapers ready to go, so I've put all the inserts in and snapped them up to the smallest setting. (note: place insert in while diaper is flat, before snapping.)

So I think we're ready to go! I'll update tomorrow and let you know how our first tries went. Hoping for no leaks!

And while you are washing diapers, why not do cloth wipes and save a little more? I've gone with the Bottoms-up Kit mainly because I got a great deal from BabySteals.

Pretty much a pre-cut soft terry cloth wash rag.

Clean and dirty containers that seal nicely to keep smell away, along with little oil drops, which help with the wash and smell. You only need a couple drops per wash period.

A nice mesh wash sack.

And handy waterproof bags for on-the-go.

Okay, there it all is. Reviews and experiences to come...

The Ministry of... Breastfeeding and Diaper Changing?

Maybe the fact that I am a missionary has a little something to do with it, but I would guess most Mommies actively involved in a Christian community can relate to my experience of post-baby ministry transition .

I went from going to the hospital and visiting 5 days a week, to not at all, and now slowly getting back to 1-2 days a week. I was at the hospital visiting with my friends the very day before I went into labor; it was what I did... almost a part of who I was. I was not ignorant of the changes that were coming, and I had made up in my mind and heart that Anaya, and my children to follow, will be my #1 ministry; however, if I am honest, I have still have had a mourning of those things I used to be able to do.

Even my days back at the hospital have changed. This is not all in negative ways, in fact, little Anaya brings so many smiles and joy each and every person she encounters; I have an automatic conversation starter. I love it! The difference for me now is that I cannot jump up onto the bed and hold the lady struggling to sit, the one near death. I cannot sit with the same lady for hours just holding her hand. Now I have Anaya strapped to the front me, many times wanting me to move around. Jon can take her when need be, and we will strike a balance in the times ahead, but I do yearn to do certain things that, for now, I cannot.

I chose this though, and I do not regret my decision in the least. For now I am just learning... transitioning. My #1 ministry is Anaya. Okay. But what should that look like on a day to day basis? She is a newborn! She cannot understand what I am saying or teaching her. Giving her food, bathing her, changing poopy diapers? Sure doesn't feel like ministry sometimes. In fact, sometimes I feel lazy, not making it out of my nursing tank top and exercise shorts. I do pray over her; her health, her future, wisdom for Jon and I as parents, etc. We sing worship songs to her. We ask the holy Spirit to dwell in her and for the Lord to save her soul. All this is good and well, but the fact of the matter is that most of the day is spent just caring for her physical needs. And you know what? It is good.

I have to remind myself that the Lord is pleased with me caring for my child, my husband, and my home. It is a ministry of breastfeeding and diaper changing.