Honoring Emilia and Her Suffering

After hearing a few stories from people, I realized that Emilia’s final days of life: her suffering, her courage, her cries to our Savior, they not only touched my life, but the lives of many around the world.

In order to honor Emilia, to honor her suffering, Jon encouraged me to ask you guys to take a moment and to post how her story has impacted you, whether small or large. I thought it was a great idea.

I would ask you to focus on her, not my actions during those days. I truly believe her death, the very way she died, had purpose in the kingdom of God.

I will post mine here, but feel free to write in whatever form you wish, even just one sentence.

To be honest those three days have changed me forever; I feel like I different person. Every few weeks I stop and dwell on those three days; I do not want to forget. The tears are good; no longer questioning or full of pain.

My passions: Seeing Emilia die in such discomfort has made ministry to the sick and dying a priority to me. For as long as I am able, I plan to give a portion of my time to those approaching the end of this temporary life.

My awareness of the temporary: Those three days seemed so long. In those moments I could not imagine how God could allow suffering to continue like that; my soul anguished at the sight. Now looking back, it was temporary. Emilia made it; she finished her race. Her temporary life was over. Everything on this earth, good and bad, is temporary.

My view of suffering: I found a rare beauty in suffering, a fellowship with Christ that is unable to be attained in any other way.

My trust in God: Emilia forced me to rely on God. The things her death demanded of me were not possible in my own strength, yet as her needs surfaced one by one, the Lord enabled me.

The greater good: Emilia suffered for the greater good. She suffered to teach me, to change me. Now that I am changed, more people will be impacted by the love of Christ.

7 Response to "Honoring Emilia and Her Suffering"

  1. Tara says:
    March 18, 2010 at 10:14 PM

    Emilia taught me to open my eyes...she taught me that there are hurting, dying, sad, lonely and aching people everywhere. Right here in my own neighborhood, that need the love and hands of Jesus to touch them, through us...She has refreshed my heart and turned up my compassion dial in my heart. To be the arms of Jesus...Oh sweet Emilia I will consider it great joy to hug your neck and dance for Jesus next to you and Layne in heaven one day...

  2. Jessica Coffelt says:
    March 18, 2010 at 11:26 PM

    Her story is filled with such passion and love. I was reminded the deep love and devotion we have in our hearts as our mothers to take care of our children even when we might be in the midst of great pain or suffering. How powerful a love that pales in comparison to the love of God. Her story also reminded me of the power of the name of Jesus. She knew the power of his name... how often we forget that and use His name so lightly.
    Thank you so much for posting a picture of her beautiful face : )

  3. judykprescott says:
    March 19, 2010 at 5:02 AM

    Emilia reminded me of others before her that God in His gracious love chose to be seen through. Through her dependence on Him in her last days and hours; she taught us much about living and hopefully dying. She taught me up close and very real the importance of taking my time to minister to those in need. Especially those left to die lonely. Thank you Jesus for being all our example.

  4. Alice Pratas Says:
    March 19, 2010 at 12:49 PM

    " Bem-aventurados os que choram, porque serão consolados"
    Mateus 5:4

    Amiga, vi a tua luta, testemunhei o teu sofrimento mas...jamais esqueceri a tua coragem e o teu amor verdadeiro ao Senhor.
    Agora que conheci a tua casa e onde vivestes os últimos dias,ainda te admiro mais...foste e continuas a ser para mim um exemplo de coragem, alegria e de perseverança apesar das circûnstâncias.
    Fico a orar e ajudar no que puder os teus filhotes.
    Até um dia na eternidade!

  5. Louisa Says:
    March 19, 2010 at 6:41 PM

    Emilia's story taught me that God is faithful even in the midst of pain, suffering, and death. We don't understand why these things happen, but God does... and that is enough. Her faith in Christ remained strong even in the most difficult days of her life. What an example to the rest of us! I thought of her story often during the final day of my niece's life (and after), and it gave me strength. Each life is so unique and so beautiful.

  6. ninismom33 says:
    March 20, 2010 at 5:12 PM

    Emilia was another reminder to me of sickness at first. Seeing people getting diagnosed day after day with something like cancer, hoping your not next, feeling depressed and sad about her suffering, asking why and when will it end...Suffering is a hard thing to grasp. A hard thing to share in with Christ, even though we think we are willing. After it all though, it encouraged me to think beyond that, about finishing the race, about enduring. I hope and believe that Jesus did meet her in that time in ways I don't know about. I know He will redeem her suffering in Heaven. I hope I can remember that when suffering comes my way. She was a beautiful lady and I'm glad I was able to know her story.

  7. Layne Heller says:
    March 23, 2010 at 9:08 PM

    From Vicki Heller:

    Emilia's story continues to remind me that God sees one person -- not just the whole of humanity. He saw Emilia ... and He cared about her; about her pain. There are so many others just like her that He sees; not only sees, He LOOKS at them. Do we see them? Do I look into their hearts they way God does? God actually knows their names, ... what they think and feel, ... where, and how much, they hurt.
    Add to this the mystery of Jesus's lesson that if I touch this person -- one of "the least" -- I am touching Him ... serving Him ... alleviating His pain. Can I really do that for Jesus? And can I really alleviate some of the pain of another suffering human being, just by being present? by caring? Thank you, Emilia, for teaching me, even in your suffering, that I can and must do this. Like you Layne, I believe that Emilia's life had a permanent impact upon mine.

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