Where are Your Thoughts?

I just started a Bible study with a group of women here, made up of other moms and missionaries. They are the same women that I did my Beth Moore study with. I really enjoy group Bible study and discussion; it really helps sink things in.

This Bible study is called 'Me, Myself, and Lies' by Jennifer Rothschild. Thanks Quiettime Ministries for your generous donation, making it possible for us to do this study!

Throughout this Bible study we focus on what she likes to call our "thought closet". How interesting it is to be aware of what you spend your time thinking about... from heavenly things to pointless things and even at times destructive things.

I would like to encourage you to take a day and purposefully be aware of what you think about, or for that matter, talk to yourself about! (I tend to have lots of full out conversations in my head.)

While I was not necessarily alarmed by "bad" thoughts or "negative" thoughts, as some others are, I was alarmed at the amount of time I spend thinking about useless things, things that will never happen, conversation I will never have.

One way I have decided to combat this wasting of time is by keeping worship music on as much as possible. Every time I am in the kitchen, making breakfast, lunch, or dinner, doing dishes, etc. I turn on praise music. It directs my thoughts to things above, heavenly things. Not only that, I tend to have a worship song lingering in my head the whole day.

The other way she suggested and I am trying to implement is purposefully trying to think of one or two wonders of the Lord each day. For example today, I decided to dwell on the miracle it is to have this baby growing in my tummy. I also have taken special note of how beautiful the weather is and what a blessing it is to have the cool wind blowing through my house. I find that when we purposefully take note of wonders, miracles, provisions of the Lord, we have a hard time dwelling on the negative.

So maybe this week, like me, you can purposefully be aware of the things running through your head and then take one or two purposeful step to directing those thoughts to eternal things.

5 Response to "Where are Your Thoughts?"

  1. Lacey says:
    September 12, 2010 at 5:17 PM

    I love this post. Thank you for this. I think I may even buy this book and do it along with you :). I love the suggestions you give too.

  2. Lynne Hartke says:
    September 12, 2010 at 10:56 PM

    One of life's wonders - peanut butter and chocolate eaten together.

    Another wonder - having the privilege to be involved in the nit and grit of people's lives - some for 20+ years. I know of people who say they have no friends, and that is beyond comprehension to me. Christ's body is amazing.

  3. bleedingdaughter says:
    September 13, 2010 at 2:09 AM

    aaaaahhhh, yes. thanks.

  4. judykprescott says:
    September 14, 2010 at 5:19 AM

    I needed that post Mrs. Heller ;)

  5. ninismom33 says:
    September 21, 2010 at 1:08 AM

    One wonder today: God's perfect timing, a perfect word at the perfect moment from Him..
    Another wonder: Rain, lots of it. A wonderful change from the heat:))

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