God's Provision and Care for the Dying

Even in the dark moments, it is possible to glimpse the hand of God.

Some of you may recall a recent post on my facebook about a thirteen year old girl, who we were unsure if she would make it through the night. She did. Lucia's health still hangs in the balance, but she is holding on. Since then, the father, Longo, has been trying to arrange a way to get her home, even if it is only for her last few days. "Home" for her is in the far North of Mozambique, which is some 20 or more hours driving. She is anxious and determined to see her sisters and family, as she has been away for months, suffering without them.

We had hope over the past two days that she and her father would be able to take a plane; however, yesterday we were faced with the crushing news that she did not have her ID and would not be permitted on the airplane. It would take a week or so for her ID to arrive... a week we are not sure she has.

Still determined, they decided they would go by bus. We said our prayers over her, whispered our goodbyes, gave our kisses, and wiped our tears, all the while not sure how she would sit for so long on public transport.

A phone came in at 6 this morning from her father. The bus driver would not allow them on the bus. When they boarded her discomfort was so great she began to cry, and understandably, the driver made the decision she could not make the long ride. I can imagine their fear she would die with all the passengers on board.

We laid in bed a bit, sad over the news, though I had to think that perhaps the Lord knew how awful the trip would be and in His mercy had shut the door.

We called our friend and dedicated partner, who quickly began contacting connections here in Maputo. Thankfully, miraculously, an ID was able to arranged quickly. If you lived here, you would only be able to marvel at the hand of Lord, as this simply does not happen.

They should be leaving this afternoon or early in the morning. Please pray for them as they will have a couple hour flight, and then still a 10 hour train ride. After arriving home, we can hardly imagine much time left on this earth... not being in a hospital will be more difficult and pain medication will not be readily available, though she will have the opportunity to be surrounded by the ones she loves.

I can see the Lord's love for her already and pray his mercy and grace over the next few days.

3 Response to "God's Provision and Care for the Dying"

  1. judykprescott says:
    January 21, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    Oh! Our Lord is "Amazing" and let us all pray for Lucia to have her heart's desire met on this side of seeing her family. I trust she will:)

  2. ninismom33 says:
    January 24, 2011 at 2:24 AM

    Oh Layne, I can't imagine being the parent of a child suffering so much! I can only imagine how hard it is not only for her, but for her family to feel so helpless to help her:(
    I will continue to pray for her and her family, I know God knows every detail. I pray her family will not be bitter, I pray for God's healing balm to cover their hearts..I'm so thankful you and Jon and your friends have been able to be there for them. We will pray...Love you!

  3. Vicki Says:
    January 25, 2011 at 1:55 AM

    Thank You God for letting us see your hand at work in all the moments of our lives -- both joy-filled and pain-filled. Thank You for Lucia's ID!

    Thank you Layne for building us a word-picture-bridge over which we can cross to embrace Lucia and Longo and greet them as our sister and brother. You have helped us to "see" and "touch" them. We love them and hold them in our hearts ... and before the Lord.

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