Anaya - Three months!

(Womanly topics in this post. You have been warned!)

I had
one baby and my laundry tripled. How does that happen? Blankets, towels, clothes, burp cloths, and diapers, diapers, diapers! Hello motherhood!

Amazingly, I now feel as if cloth diapers are a breeze. If you are debating, go for it! AND the cheapest of the cheap are working for me! I like being cheap, but I am also too lazy to make them, or fasten them with anything other than snaps. Thankfully, I found Sunbaby diapers. 24 diapers are plenty for us to wash every other day.

Now, as Anaya is 3 months old (take a moment and let it sink in... YES, 3 months!), I have begun to look into making her baby food. Again, this not a 'green' movement on my part, just a cheap one. I feel a tad overwhelmed, sort of how I did with the cloth diapers, but in the same manner, I think if I get a routine going, we'll be fine! Once I start in a few months, I'll let you know how it goes. For now, I am gearing up. I have a food processor coming with my mother-in-love, and I am currently researching best storage containers for the freezer.

Also, a little less than 3 months after Anaya's birth, I had my first period. WHAT? I am exclusively breastfeeding and totally thought I'd have longer. Lucky me. =/ Anyways, in my laziness I had yet to pick up my birth control, and this got me thinking about things. Jon and I would love to get pregnant again in September/October (if one could plan such things), and it took 5 months to get pregnant with Anaya. The idea of putting my body through the adjustments to birth control, only to get off and adjust back in a couple months seemed silly. SO, I have read the book 'Taking Charge of Your Fertility', and we're going to give it a shot. Worst thing that could happen is that we get pregnant, and we want another little one soon anyway.

This method of birth control includes taking my temperature every morning charting it and monitoring/charting my cervical discharge. It seems like a hassle, but like seemingly everything else in my life currently, if I could get into a routine, I'd be fine! (note: I bought a thermometer, but have yet to take my temperature. Things are going well so far! Ha!) I guess we'll all know soon enough how it works out. ;)

Other news...

Anaya takes a bottle so easily now! After a week or so, she got the sucking down, no prob. She doesn't make a peep. Plus, she will even take one from me, which is fabulous for when we are out in public! My nursing cover will not get quite the use it used to... nor will my accidental boob flashing be necessary. (big sigh of relief)

Anaya is hitting at things, grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth, sucking her thumb, playing in the bath tub, practicing her standing with help (quite wobbly, but she enjoys it), holding her neck up for longer periods of time, enjoys sitting up and doesn't want to be on her back all the time anymore, making fun noises, recognizing Jon and I when we come in a room and getting quite excited, becoming a little interested in books, responds to some ticklish spots... Woah! They grow so quick!

Okay... that was long. Maybe some of you read it all!

Crazy post-bath curly hair and a cute pink diaper! Love her!

My little thumb sucker.

12 Response to "Anaya - Three months!"

  1. Lynne Hartke says:
    May 16, 2011 at 9:39 PM

    I read it all. Not that long. Lots of things to write about with all your changes. We are planning to get skype before the team comes to Mozambique which will be great when the team is there but also, afterwards, we can arrange times to chat.

  2. Shaunna Lynn says:
    May 16, 2011 at 9:44 PM

    You are super mom! I can't do cloth diapers due to working full time but I did make my son's baby food who is now 6 years old! It's super enjoyable actually, specifically blueberries, yum! I actually froze mine in ice cube trays and stored the cubes of food in freezer bags. Super easy and cheap! Can't wait to ear about how it goes for you and how your fertility monitoring goes! Hehe :) somehow I feel you may be joining me in pregnancy soon! ;)

  3. Emelia Says:
    May 16, 2011 at 10:35 PM

    We've been doing Natural Family Planning for over 4 years now and LOVE it. We planned this pregnancy, and yes, avoided pregnancy for 4 years prior :) It does take discipline, but it's so good (and good for you) to be hormone free! I've only ever just charted cervical mucus and a lot of people now say it's more reliable even alone than your basal body temp, so I think as long as you are making good mucus observations (before/after ever pee/poo, before bed) you will be fine! Enjoy it!

  4. Holly Jacks Says:
    May 16, 2011 at 11:15 PM

    I enjoy reading your updates, Layne...and certainly the "womanly topics." I love your humor and how you share all the fun details/new challenges. I have that book as well, and am looking forward to trying that method in the future instead of birth control. (I've been taking temps to get in the habit, and observing the other signs. I think once you start the routine, it will be easy!) Thanks for sharing your seasons in life! :)

  5. leah says:
    May 17, 2011 at 12:32 AM

    Making your own baby food is easy - you can do it! I used to cook it (steamed) in big batches, then puree it and freeze it. Fancy storage containers would work well, but I just used ziplock baggies. Other suggestions I've heard are to put the pureed food in ice cube trays and then pop them out and store in baggies - voila, neat little 1 ounce portions.

  6. Vicki Says:
    May 17, 2011 at 5:21 AM

    Such amazing mommies!!!!
    You go, Layne girl :-)

  7. LindseyLoo says:
    May 18, 2011 at 10:58 PM

    Hey Layne, I too make my own babyfood. With 2 kiddos and one on the way, things get a little expensive. I have been following your blogs about cloth diapers and I have almost worked up the courage to try it out. I wanted to share with you my experiences with making babyfood. I am a bit of a neat freak and like everything extremely organized so if you share this interest, here is my suggestion. I started out with the ice trays and baggies which works out great but I have slowly transitioned to stackable 2oz freezable/microwavable containers. They are easier to store and quick and easy to thaw out. I also use the recipe book called Baby Love by Chef Geoff. I really like it i think it has lots of good recipes. Just thought I would share that with you!

  8. bleedingdaughter says:
    May 19, 2011 at 2:31 AM

    it waasnt a long post. you are amazing. i know im not supposed to have a kid yet- i dont think i could handle the change! :-P good thing God knows. i thank God for perfection it timing for baby #2

  9. judykprescott says:
    May 19, 2011 at 4:40 AM

    I loved every word! You are a very good mommy and I'm so proud of you;)

  10. judykprescott says:
    May 19, 2011 at 4:42 AM

    Did I say I love that baby girl!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Unknown says:
    May 19, 2011 at 5:44 AM

    Tristan and I did NFP for about 3 years before I got pregnant and it worked great for us! It also helped me learn my body. When we were ready to start trying I was very aware of when I was most fertile. I am glad you are giving it a try. Like you will get into a routine and it will be great!

  12. Heather@Cultivated Lives says:
    May 20, 2011 at 5:14 AM

    NFP is awesome. After a while I didn't really even have to temp anymore. Although it become such habit that you won't even notice the extra effort. You will get such a good read on your body... I loved using it to get a great understanding of my cycle and it works so beautifully both ways (pg/not pg). In some cases it helps women get pg faster because they know when they are most fertile (which isn't the same for everyone). But of course that isn't always the case. Keegan took us 7 months even with impeccable timing. ;)

    I've loved using the ice cube trays and freezer bags. I usually will make two or three kinds at once. (Because I'm lazy with dishes) and then work with my two trays to freeze it all down over the next 24 hours. It is just so easy to pop a few out and have control over portion size to fit the ever changing appetite levels. Not only is it cheaper, but it is so much healthier too. I did keep a small stash of the jars on hand for those occasional bad days or when I had slipped in my planning for restocking. I know you are just going to love it! :) One of my kids favorites was brocolli and applesauce. They would down it like crazy! :)

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