Just so you know...

I think too many people think too highly of my mommy-hood on the go & our travels, so I thought I'd give a little peek into the other side of vacations... the side we choose to forget and not take pictures of.

Like when we realized we forgot the pump to the air mattress.

OR when the space heater we bought actually turned out to be as bright as the sun, because we're cheap and went for the one on sale... and yeah, I happen to be someone who prefers pitch dark. That night, still freezing my tooshie off on the hard ground in the bright tent worrying about my daughter's freezing hands I growled about how we should have bought the expensive heater, and we would never camp in the winter again.

OR when Jon made a lot of noise coming the tent with the velcro and zipper, and Anaya woke up, and I almost killed him... seriously needed some self-control.

OR when Anaya cried at 3 in the morning in the perfect stillness of the night and we had camping 'neighbors' in tents nearby. (I couldn't whip my boob out fast enough to get her to calm down! Ha!)

OR when Jon was haggling with the cashew vendor across the street and Anaya decides to scream because the car isn't moving, and I had to use every bit of restraint not to roll the window down and tear Jon's head off, ready to throw any amount of money at the cashew vendor that he wants... yeah any amount.

I could go on, but you get the point. (Notice the trend here too... it's always me who is the one 'losing it'. My hubby is so patient and calm; he is perfect for me!)

What I've realized is: Anaya always does better than I expect. We always have more good moments than bad. We always make memories to last a lifetime.

It is worth it.

7 Response to "Just so you know..."

  1. Bethany says:
    July 17, 2011 at 8:20 PM

    Sheesh, crankiness from a mom with an infant is a given! I still think you're a super mom! And it's wonderful that you have the perspective that the hard times are worth it for the sweet memories. :-)

  2. Lynne Hartke says:
    July 17, 2011 at 11:22 PM

    Hahahaha. My kids can tell you of some tense moments when we get lost on various vacations. Kevin always wants to find a new route as we go forward and I always want to go back to where we missed the turn. Every time.

  3. Tara says:
    July 18, 2011 at 12:44 AM

    lol I LOVE!!! haha we should write a book together. It would be hilarious and we should go to anger management and give tips. hahaha Always best to remember the best parts and the rest you move on and don't really remember. I don't ever remember mom crazy when I was 1. I don't remember anything until like 13 so I thankfully maybe they won't remember any of ours either. Love you tons!!!

  4. judykprescott says:
    July 18, 2011 at 1:31 AM

    Me crazy.....never ;) Sounds like a normal camping trip to me!

  5. Amy Wilson Says:
    July 18, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    Haha now that's more like it. We were trying to figure out how Sienna would have done on a camping trip... She has never done well sleeping outside of her environment. We were a little jealous. Good to know we aren't the only family with moments like that;)

  6. Vicki Says:
    July 18, 2011 at 10:43 PM

    Yes, Layne, you may now join the rest of the mommies-of-the-world in our Walk of Shame as we remember those moments we'd rather forget. Those Incredible Hulk transfomations that occurred when something flipped the rage-and-fury trigger in our brains. Just goes to show that a mother's candle burns with a much shorter wick than is generally realized. And that we really, really, really need God :-)

  7. ninismom33 says:
    July 19, 2011 at 1:15 PM

    Hmmm, seems like I got a lot of eye rolling and such about not flushing the toilet during nap times for Lynise...ahh, the ridiculous things we do as mothers to keep the little ones happy. Hope you didn't pay over a hundred for the cashews;) Love you!!!

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