Update! Pics!

It's been awhile...

So we've had lots of visitors, making my blogging a bit inconsistent. I hope to find some normalcy in the near future, however, it will not come until I'm all settled into my new home (rented). If you remember last time though, I like to kill myself and get it all done super fast. So be prepared for lots of pics and updates. =)

While we had a team here, my schedule was a little more hectic than usual, as was my house, so I guess my body reacted. My milk supply dipped a bit, and I was a little concerned. I pumped as much as I could to encourage more supply; not fun! Once life slowed down though, the milk came back. We were on a 4 hour schedule, but we are back to 3 hour, as I felt she wasn't gaining like I would like her to. Now when I pick her up from the crib... phew! Maybe we'll go back to 4 hours sometime, but for now she is a happy guzzler.

Diapers are still going well. Every now and again she wakes up a bit damp. Not my favorite, but not horrible. She is already in double inserts... guess I could triple or put on a liner. We'll see if it becomes more consistent. With my 24 diapers I've learned I can easily wait two days between washing, especially if I used my dryer all the time, which I rarely do.

Can't believe my little babe is almost 5 months! It is going to be food time before I know it, and in all honesty I am dreading it. She is so easy and on the go right now. Oh well, we'll routine it up and it'll become the norm.

We went camping and rock climbing! I was a bit nervous, but turns out it was for no good reason. It was Anaya's second time sleeping in the tent, and she did okay. It was in the 30's at night, which made it difficult. We bought a space heater, which turned out to be a little comical; it was SO bright it was like a light was on! It helped, but it was still very cold. Anaya is a thumb sucker, so it is difficult to cover her hands. =/ Other than that, Anaya loves the outdoors and is happiest there. She chilled on our backs while we belayed each other on the wall. I did climb with her once on a real easy climb, mainly because it was easier than the trail out of canyon. Anaya snored the whole time. Ha! She'll be my adventure girl.

We spent the 4th low key with some friends eating chili, potato salad, coleslaw, and apple pie. Yum! Anaya was supportin' with her precious onesie!

I've got more stuff to update on... spiritual stuff, emotional stuff, etc. Stay tuned!

8 Response to "Update! Pics!"

  1. Vicki Says:
    July 11, 2011 at 12:03 AM

    How quickly she grows!!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:
    July 11, 2011 at 3:34 AM

    Love your pictures and your adventures. God Bless.

  3. Louisa Says:
    July 11, 2011 at 5:29 AM

    Boy, in that last picture she looks so much older than 4 1/2 months. She looks like a toddler! Slow down, little girlie... I still need to meet you!.

  4. Amy Wilson Says:
    July 11, 2011 at 3:03 PM

    Wonderful! Love it!

  5. Bethany says:
    July 11, 2011 at 4:55 PM

    Camping and rock climbing with a 5 month old!?! You're SUPER Mom! Seriously! :-)

  6. Bethany says:
    July 11, 2011 at 4:58 PM

    Oh, re staring Anaya on solids. I started both my kids on solids at 5 or six months, but I met a mom recently who breast feeds exclusively until her kids are between 9 and 12 months because its easier and breast milk is the optimal food anyways. Have no idea if that would work for you (or me if we have another baby), but I thought it sure sounded nice!

  7. judykprescott says:
    July 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM

    Great pics! Beautiful family! Precious,beautiful baby girl:)

  8. alethea says:
    August 6, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    Eating oatmeal will help the milk supply increase.

    Miss you!
    Love reading your posts.

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