Baby Food!

We're at that stage, and I am happy to report we are doing quite well. I am finding a schedule that Anaya eats the most and happiest. For now it is twice a day, usually late morning (10-ish) and mid-afternoon (3-sih). She is breastfeeding every 3- 3.5 hours, so if I feed her solids after about 2hrs, she is usually most cooperative.

I am an impatient Mommy and while it is recommended to wait 4 days after each new introduction of food to watch for allergies, I have been doing two to three new items at a time. Neither Jon or I have allergies, so I am hoping we won't run into any problems. For the past week or so we have been doing oatmeal, bananas, and apples. Today I made those three plus pears and butternut squash. I am excited to see her reactions. I also have an avocado ripening... soon!

After reading this:, I decided we are a spicy family and I'm going to give it a shot, even starting early. I have hopes that this will help the transition to just eating what Jon and I eat down the road. So far we've used cinnamon; however, today I added some vanilla (read note on left side of website), ginger, and nutmeg.

Here's my little how to or how did. Ha.

Here we go!

Cut the food up

Boil in a little water until nice and soft. My first time with apples I under cooked a bit and had a few little chunks. This time it was a lot smoother, so be patient! Doesn't take long!

Place in processing container and add a little water for a nice puree. (Some people use a little breast milk, which I am sure would be preferred, but I am not a fan of pumping any more than necessary. Some people would also only use bottled water... I live in Africa. I don't do things quite by the book.)

Screw on the lid and a few seconds of the blendy-blend.

A little spice to make it nice

Like so. Here is a little ginger and nutmeg. Voila! There you have it = Baby Food.

Bananas, pears, apples, butternut, and oatmeal

Anaya isn't a big eater yet, so this will last me a few days. The banana gets a little dark in the fridge, but I've tasted them and they taste fine, and a stir does wonders. Someday I may freeze some and do bigger batches, but for this is working for me and doesn't take too long. Plus, I have tasted and YUM!

Miss Anaya is a messy one, so just the diaper is allowed. Much easier clean up! =)

5 Response to "Baby Food!"

  1. Deanna says:
    August 7, 2011 at 2:16 PM

    I love that you are doing this, so much better for baby!

  2. Louisa Says:
    August 7, 2011 at 6:15 PM

    What a spread! ;) I love all the colorful bowls. I plan to wait a couple more weeks before starting with Claire... I am lazy - ha! You are giving me a little inspiration, though.

  3. Vicki Says:
    August 8, 2011 at 10:46 PM

    So inspiring, Layne!!!

  4. Sean and Aubrey says:
    August 8, 2011 at 11:50 PM

    Great job! I love that website. Also if you steam the veggies supposedly it holds in the most nutrients and you can use the water that you used to either stream or boil to make the baby food more pureed instead of the tap water. Plus it has the flavor in the water from what ever you cooked. Just a few things I learned from my sister-in-law.

  5. Lacey says:
    August 15, 2011 at 8:39 AM

    I'm so excited to make our own baby food too! It looks like you're doing great!!!

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