Time Flies!

I can hardly believe how long it has been since I have posted. Whoops! This one will be a bit long and I'll divide into topical sections.

Anaya-girl Update

Anaya is now 7 months old, going on a year, at least that is what I feel like. Time is flying. My precious baby girl is becoming more independent and less baby-ish. All she wants to do is hold onto things and stand up. If there is something she can grab onto, she will pull herself up. She still cannot go from laying down to sitting up on her own, but I think it'll be soon. Tummy time is still hated, and I wonder if crawling will be something she ever does much of.

She loves 'chatting'. Her newest sound is "Ba" and I love it! Many times she starts her mouth movement before the sound comes out, and it has got to be the most adorable thing. We've had some "Ga", "Ma" and "Da", but those are random and not consistent or repeated.

She is a very content baby, full of smiles. Lately she'll throw her head back and smile as if she is laughing really hard. At times it will throw her off balance, and I think she'll fall over! She loves when Mommy or Daddy hides behind and chair or wall and pops out.

Baby food is going well. I am not much of a freezer. I tend to make a weeks worth or so at a time and just keep it in the fridge. I make a jar of applesauce and one of pear-sauce with 6-7 pieces of fruit, and it lasts nicely. She eats lots of mashed bananas, which are super easy. She tried papaya today and liked it better mixed with a little banana. Lately she does not enjoy her veggies, but she'll eat anything if you put a little fruit in front of it on the spoon. Whatever works, huh? She eats pumpkin, potato and carrot mix, plain carrots, sweet potato, green beans, and avocado. She wasn't a pea fan, and they stunk, so I haven't made them again. Thankfully she lets me feed her now, making it much faster and cleaner!

She no longer breastfeeds at 10pm and now cloth diapers aren't leaking in the night. So nice.

We went on vacation last week, and Anaya was a dream. 6-6.5 hours in the car was no prob. Entire afternoons out were no prob. Sleeping the in the pack'n'play was no prob. We stayed in a little bungalow, while the kitchen and dining area were covered outdoors. Since Anaya prefers to be outside, she was in heaven.

Anaya does seem to be very attached to Mommy at the moment, and she is less okay with many people holding her. I figure it is a stage, and I am trying to enjoy our sweet cuddle moments, while not becoming too frustrated when she cries every time I walk of the room to do something. She warms up to some people though (how she decides I have no clue) and depending on her mood, she is fine. Yesterday she spent a good 20-30 minutes with a woman at the hospital; I was proud.

General Mommy Update

I am doing well. I was in need of a vacation, especially emotionally, and I praise the Lord for a our short time away. Last month I was jokingly telling people I better be pregnant, because if not, I was just a crazy lady. Turns out I am just a crazy lady. =) We are, however, welcoming pregnancy at any point now. I am more peaceful about it this go around, at least so far, so it is nice not having a tear-filled journey. Sometimes it is an overwhelming thought, and other times it is terribly exciting. The Lord's timing will be perfect, though a winter delivery would be preferred.

Jon and I started Jillian Micheal's '30 Day Shred' a week ago, and we haven't missed a day. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't too hard for me. Anaya must be keeping me somewhat in shape. We'll see how tone this tummy can get before it looks like a soccer ball again.

I turn 27 on Thursday. Sounds a lot older to me than 26, not sure why. I am so thankful for where I am at in life. God has been so good to me.

Furlough is coming up and I can hardly believe our dear families will finally get to meet our little Anaya. It's been a long time coming, and my heart wells up each time I think about it.

Spiritual Update

The Lord has been working on my heart, getting me ready to share my living space with friends/patients from the hospital. When I think through details I get scared, selfish, protective, etc. What the Lord is telling me though is that I need to walk in faith, just take the step. In a funny way I felt/feel similarly about moving to Africa, buying Gasher, Anaya joining us, cloth diapers, homemade baby food, the prospect of homeschooling, etc. When you take the leap; however, it all somehow falls into place. Life adjusts. Sometimes in big ways, sometimes in small ways, but it does.

So I'm loosening my grip on my plans and schedules, not getting rid of them, not even changing them yet, but loosening it up, giving some squiggle room. I am preparing for a work of the Lord, and feel like it is coming. When I thought hard about it, I came to the conclusion that it was more important for Anaya to see us loving and giving extravagantly than for her to have solid schedules and routines. I'll always watch her adjustments closely, and if she ever seems to be struggling, we'll re-evaluate. But for now, my laid back girl seems to do fine.


So that is where we are at! Hope to update more frequently.

7 Response to "Time Flies!"

  1. Vicki Says:
    September 27, 2011 at 11:19 PM

    Very profound thoughts about the changes that we tend to worry about, Layne. And I really admire your comment about Anaya needing to see her daddy and mommy loving and giving extravagantly ... more than she needs a solid schedule. Man's wisdom (about child rearing) may have some truth, but God's Truth trumps it every time!

  2. Anonymous Says:
    September 30, 2011 at 1:17 PM

    This is a comment!

  3. Jon Says:
    September 30, 2011 at 1:19 PM

    This is another comment!

  4. Jon Says:
    September 30, 2011 at 1:20 PM

    If you are having trouble commenting, use the "Comment as - Name/URL" option and just put your name and leave the URL part blank. That should make it work for you!

  5. bleedingdaughter says:
    October 15, 2011 at 3:15 AM

    love you!!! this is awesome to hear- your heart is showing through and i hear so much peace. i love that you are holding your arms open to Him.

  6. kindle vs nook says:
    October 31, 2011 at 6:36 AM
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  7. Katie Burkett Says:
    December 6, 2011 at 9:50 PM

    Happy Birthday Layne! Blessing Blessing and more Blessing on this next year.

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