As we go to Angola..

Lord willing we get our visas tomorrow, Jon and I will starting our journey to Angola on Saturday. This will be our second time into the country the Lord has directed us to, and I am full of a thousand emotions.

I was chatting with Jon the other day as we were in the car driving to Botswana. I told him about my thoughts about how we might be visiting the city we are finally going to settle in, the house we may call our own, the village we may devote our lives to... How exciting! I have a feeling that as we drive into the town, I am going to be a little beside myself.

Right beside this growing excitement is a bit of unsureness. Life and luxury as I know it may be quickly coming to a halt. We have been extremely blessed over the past months to live quite comfortably. Sure there have been minor adjustments, but I have still had a normal hot shower, a washing machine, a stove, etc.

Now, I am not sure what it will be like after Saturday. I may be hand-washing all of our clothes, which honestly seems the most challenging. =/ I may have to figure out a good system to wash this thick long hair of mine without very much water. I most likely will have to adjust to non-flushing toilets.

I know I can do all of this, and if you've ever chatted with me about life in Africa, I normally go on and on about how you can adjust to anything. You get a system and you're fine... it's just that whole figuring out the system and that adjustment phase.

And beside that unsureness is a little bit of dread. I vividly remember driving through Angola. The roads are potentially the worst in world. The left over pieces of asphalt make it impossible to keep any sort of regular speed. The awkward bouncing is kind of funny at first, but the it becomes a bit painful and definitely uncomfortable.

But covering all my jumbled mix of emotions is a blanket of peace. I can rest in seeing the hand of God on every step we've taken. Every place that we have been, I have been astounded by the provision of the Lord and His people. And He will do it again. That is the faithfulness of my God. He goes with me. Hallelujah.

3 Response to "As we go to Angola.."

  1. Rena Says:
    February 12, 2010 at 2:44 AM

    Praying for you, Layne!

  2. Vicki Heller says:
    February 12, 2010 at 5:32 PM

    He goes with you!
    Thank You, Lord, that You never leave them, ... they are never alone, ... You are always with them.
    Thank You.

  3. judykprescott says:
    February 14, 2010 at 3:43 PM

    Yes, Thank You Jesus! You called them, equipped them, and we all know You walk hand in hand with them.

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