A Post of Thanks

I am sitting here full, full of thankfulness to the Lord.

In light of this, I thought I would share a list of some of the things I am thankful for. Isn't it good to to reflect and be thankful. Maybe today you can take a moment and think of things you are thankful for as well. I'd love to read some if you care to comment and share!

In no particular order and purposefully a bit random:

  • Our Angolan visas! (fresh on my mind)
  • A family that loves and prays for me. Truly I am humbled by their efforts.
  • Supporters who have joined me in this and encourage me to keep going.
  • Financial support, which allows us to focus on people, loving and serving them.
  • Perfume. Sometimes it is just nice to inhale something beautiful.
  • Missionary friends. Seriously, they understand me and my life situation so well.
  • Bible study! Thanks Beth Moore for making your videos down-loadable!
  • Skype. I can hear and see my family for free. Too cool.
  • Places to stay/short term "homes" along this journey of ours.
  • The beauty of different cultures and language. Gives me a peek into the kingdom of heaven.
  • My health.
  • God's creation. Particularly the lightning outside right now.
  • Ice cream and coffee. I love this combo and have indulged myself this week. =)
  • God's faithfulness to me. Wow. I could sit here for awhile...
  • Prayer. Both people's prayers for us, but also for my ability to approach the God of the universe and actually ask for something. Amazing.
  • For electricity and blow dryers.
  • My recent experience with Emilia. It is still so close to my heart, and honestly has changed me forever. I was so honored to share in that.
  • For hope. (My eyes are tearing up...) I have so much hope because of Jesus. Not just hope for the eternal, which is fabulous, but hope for people here on earth to see Jesus, to know Jesus, to be Jesus.
  • For toe nail polish. Allows me a bit of girlish glee.
  • Last but definitely not least, for my husband. For his love, his gentleness, his faithfulness, his service, his love for the Lord and His people, his heart of worship, his passionate prayers, his romantic ways, and oh how I could go on...
And those are just some.

Thank you, Father. I purposefully recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from above.

3 Response to "A Post of Thanks"

  1. bleedingdaughter says:
    February 13, 2010 at 8:06 PM

    mmmmm. yea. im thankful with you for the specifics, and echo for myself the broadness of his working and love in our lives and hearts.

  2. ninismom33 says:
    February 15, 2010 at 3:10 AM

    Are we allowed to "ditto"? Or is that a no-no like at church:) I am very thankful as well, and it is good to reflect and to actually say thank you to the Lord. I am THANKFUL for my sisters and my family. We love you. Thankful He tells us to only think of one day at a time...Praying as you and Jon begin yet another new journey. Hope we hear from you soon. LOVE YOU!!

  3. judykprescott says:
    February 16, 2010 at 5:40 AM

    I love your heart, your list and what you stir in us :)

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