Beetle vs. Word of God

The other night we joined a home group Bible study in our friends’ house. It was a sweet time of new and old believers, Batswana, Zimbabwean, and American delving into the Scriptures and finding ways to implement them into our daily lives.

Remember, I said it was night.

And the lights were on, as we needed to see our Bibles.

This equals bugs.

No biggie. Moths are common and some June bugs aren’t too scary.

Unfortunately, just when it came time to read another portion of scripture, in flew a beetle... and not just any beetle, a BIG beetle. You could hear this thing from all the way across the room, and then it would hover right around head height. Now mind you, it wasn't just this white girl wiggin', all of us were. From time to time it would hit the ceiling so hard it would plummet in unknown directions.

The lady reading the Bible was persistent and kept plowing on, trying not to take part in the distraction.

The beetle won.

Attention was gone.

Finally, the man leading the Bible study stood up and with his bare hand he whacked the beetled, sending it spiraling downward to the floor. Stunned and nearly dead. Maybe the beetle didn't win after all.

Bible study commenced.

2 Response to "Beetle vs. Word of God"

  1. ninismom33 says:
    December 7, 2009 at 3:20 AM

    SICK!! I hate dadgum beetles, and all other bugs for that matter. The men must learn early - it is always THEIR job to kill all insects quick and fast... there's NO way we can "ignore it." Score one for Team Bible Study!

  2. judykprescott says:
    December 8, 2009 at 7:36 AM

    My goodness! Ya'll need some rackets to knock those bugs out :)

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