I was moody... and then they kissed my face.

There were a few things that irritated me, but nothing really to justify the particular foul mood. Honestly, it had been an enjoyable morning; I made super yummy muffins, and finally I was not feeling as sick. But somewhere in there I just got "off".

How does that happen?

Don't you know what I mean? Has it happened to you? Suddenly you are just irked.

This afternoon we were going back to the hospital to volunteer with the children in the oncology ward. I was tired and not really wanting to apply my mind to Portuguese, so to be completely transparent, I was not looking forward to my time there.

Ever been there? On your way to ministry... dragging your heavy feet?

We drove up, and as we were parking I saw them. The children. They were sitting there on their stools at the white plastic table. My mood started to shift.

I hopped out of the car and waved. Big smiles and small arms flying around. Okay, their cute.

We sat down, and they welcomed us with such love. Being patient with our Portuguese, they decided to teach us a song. Jon learned better than me; I was distracted. I had a little girl sitting there in my lap. Across from me two precious boys were laughing and giggling as they showed me their belly buttons. And then one leaned in for a "beijo" or a "kiss". Then the other. My heart was full.

There is something about serving people, something about loving people, something about giving to people... even if it has to be a deliberate scheduled choice. Your heart will catch up, I promise.

3 Response to "I was moody... and then they kissed my face."

  1. Anonymous Says:
    December 16, 2009 at 5:27 AM

    i love this story, layne! beautiful. :)

  2. Heather@Cultivated Lives says:
    December 18, 2009 at 5:19 AM

    This is so true. I love how God gives us HIS heart of love as we choose to obey! Thanks for sharing.

  3. judykprescott says:
    December 18, 2009 at 6:10 AM

    I CAN relate! we're one way and then God.... and "yes" thank you for writing :)

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