Beach Adventures
My husband loves adventure.
Me too I guess, as long as you catch me in the right mood... but isn't that true of every statement? Ha! Anyways, Jon found a beach on Google maps and decided we should check it out. We marked the coordinates in the GPS, packed some lunches, and off we went!
We knew we probably needed to off road a bit, but according to the images we saw online, it looked as if most of the way was paved. After about 10 minutes we were on a dirt road. =)
It is fun driving through different villages and seeing how they build their houses and just operate everyday life. What they sell. What they carry. Things like that.
Finally we got to the turn off road towards the beach. It was a big low lying field that looked as if certain time of the year could be a marsh. Here we go! For the most part the little two tire track was no problem, but then we came onto some mud. Jon hopped out and switched us to 4-wheel drive and for the first couple sections, the Bison (our vehicle) took it like a champ.
We were almost through the field when we got to a bigger puddle. There was a Mozambican standing on the other side who kind of waved up in the direction we should take. We held our breath and went for it.
We were stuck.
One tire got spinning and we were going nowhere. The guy who had waved us on came to help, and right behind him about 6 more boys from the village came running. Suddenly we had become the entertainment for the day. I didn't mind much, at least we had help! I stayed in the car while the guys tried to figure it out.It was decided they should go get some branches for traction. Jon and one of the guys left, and I stayed chatting with some of the boys. They were quite shy at first, as I don't think they have much interaction with white people out there.
After a bit some women came up, and I decided I should get out of the car, otherwise I would look like this prissy white lady having everyone push me around in the car. I took my flip flops off, opened the door, and stepped in the mud. As I did this, the women gasped as if they were thinking, "Why would you do that?" Ha! They were standing there in the mud, but for me to get my feet dirty was strange to them.With the branches and everyone pushing, we got out. As the car began to move, there was cheering from all of us. I started walking to where the car was now, and the women were sure to tell me where to walk so I wouldn't fall. Too funny.
We made to the small beach and observed a neat fishing community and trade area. All in all it was a great day full of adventure.
January 14, 2010 at 5:28 PM
Great story... we eventually called it "Being Delayed" as Pete didn't like the word STUCK! I would caution "perhaps we should stop here, it's not that difficult to walk an extra 50 feet"... he would continue on and DELAY us! Eventually after about 4 times of being "delayed" I would walk to the beach, set up and get in the water... why not! He always managed to get out. I guess that is what 22 years of marriage does to you! ;-) hehe
January 14, 2010 at 5:35 PM
OH... and PS... please check your feet for jiggers/chiggers/bicho do pe... These of course are severe cases... but I did get a jigger in my little toe in Angola (it actually ate a planters wart, for which I was happy... but I did get it out of my foot before it did 'damage'). After being in the mud you might want to just keep your eyes on FEET. Hope you have a good doctor you can go to who will also help you keep your eyes open for different parasites that can make life miserable.
January 15, 2010 at 6:24 AM
Layne, that was such a great account of your day!! Loved it:) Glad it was a happy ending too! Please take that advice to ck. for parasites!!!
January 15, 2010 at 2:37 PM
Ah, boys and their "adventures." Sounds like you were a patient and adventurous wife too. Glad it ended up being fun! Toe parasites - who woulda thought?? We'll pray against that:)
Love you!!
P.S. Way to go Bison Heller!
January 15, 2010 at 6:25 PM
Love this story! You are such a champ, Layne -- I'm so glad you are not a prissy white lady :-D