Pictures on the Fridge

There is just something about having pictures on the fridge that makes a place feel like home. Am I right?

Well, thanks Mom for the magnet photo holders you gave me a year ago! I loved them in Arizona, and I knew they were an item I should consider priority for my bags coming over. Turns out they made the cut... or better said the cuts.

And now they have done their job. It feels much more "homey" in the kitchen.

Plus, seeing family faces everyday is a blessing! They feel closer somehow.

3 Response to "Pictures on the Fridge"

  1. judykprescott says:
    January 2, 2010 at 4:48 AM

    Oh, Layne, I agree....makes a kitchen very much like home:) We love you two SO MUCH and feel the same when we see your and Jon's pics on our frig!!

  2. Anonymous Says:
    January 2, 2010 at 7:36 AM

    yay! it's so nice to have pictures. :)

    on another note, is there a way for me to subscribe to receive email notifications when you post something? i thought using that Google friend connect would do it, but nope. no updates in my email, and you've posted a few times since i did that. frustrating!

  3. Vicki Heller says:
    January 7, 2010 at 2:56 AM

    I like those plastic thingies you have! My refrigerator pictures are all exposed to the elements (which means dog snot, grease splatters, and ice-maker accidents).
    Speaking of my refrigerator pictures, 90% of them are of you and Jon. It is my way of pretending you are close :-D

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