Relationships and Evangelism

The topic has come up a few times recently and it has prompted me to look over the past ten years or so of my life and see how my "techniques" (so to say) have changed, and praise God for the things I have learned.

<Let me insert how strange it is for me to say I have been doing missions for more than 10 years... where has time gone?>

Anyways, back on topic. (note: this is all thoughts in my head, not some sort of doctrine)

I started with bold evangelism, walking up to strangers, presenting them with the gospel, pointing out their sin and need for a Savior, and challenging them to make a commitment to Christ. I would spend literally as little as 15 minutes with some of these people.

As time passed I realized more of a need for discipleship, so I would try to hook them up with churches, but due to circumstances, I didn't have the ability to do the discipleship myself. Again, it was kinda of "Congrats! Read your Bible and pray!"

Here is where I am at right now...

I believe strongly that a person only comes to Christ when the Spirit draws them. I have experienced these moments. These moments that could I could describe as "divine moments". They happen so naturally. It isn't awkward; I don't have to pre-plan my wording. I don't force some spiritual discussion. The Spirit draws them not me. As a result the person genuinely seeks Christ and begins a relationship with Him.

I don't go hunting for these moments.

Instead I love people. Right where they are at. In their hospital bed. On the side of the road. In the grocery store. And I'm not talking about loving them in some "try to save them" way, just love them. Get to know them. Earn the right to speak into their lives. "Saving" them is not my job.

Going to the hospital has been making me think about this more. As we lose people, as they pass on, sometimes without us having some sort of spiritual discussion. Is that bad?

What I have concluded is that if the Holy Spirit draws the person and we enter into that "divine moment", I'll go there. Quite excitedly! I love to be a part of God's work! I make sure my Spirit is alert and sensitive so I can identify these moments. I am available.

But if these moments don't come, I am there to be the hands of Christ, the love of Christ. Of course part of relationship is that it is two sided, so as they get to know me and what I am doing, they hear about God and His faithfulness to me. I praise Him for cooler days, for the television working in the women's room, and for easy Chemo treatments. I pray with them if they let me. My life is full of Christ... but we have to know each other to see the full extent.

It is more difficult to give your time and energy into getting to know people and waiting for the right moment... but I think it far more effective.

Thoughts? Opinions?

4 Response to "Relationships and Evangelism"

  1. Amy Wilson says:
    January 19, 2010 at 2:16 PM

    I completely agree. You can't shove Jesus down anyone's throat. The greatest way to show people who Jesus is, is to be His hands and feet. That is sometimes the harder job than just hard core evangelizing. However, God's word doesn't go in vain and people will be drawn to the Jesus in us. That is how we shine His light. You couldn't have said it better:)

  2. Vicki Heller says:
    January 19, 2010 at 6:13 PM

    People do seem to appreciate the gift of relationship, don't they? As if you are saying to them, "You are of such great worth, that I choose to give my time for a relationship with you. And I hope that you notice the God-part of my gift -- it is His way of letting you know that He loves you more than I can tell you in words."
    I do hope and pray that the people you befriend will recognize the God-part of your gift, Layne.

  3. judykprescott says:
    January 20, 2010 at 5:27 AM

    I know you and I already talked about this so I'll only say I agree, God is teaching me about the importance of one on one discipleship and like Amy said, you couldn't have said it better :)

  4. Louisa Says:
    January 21, 2010 at 11:40 PM

    I like your thoughts, Layne. Honestly, they are somewhat liberating to hear. (Not that they are new to me... but I needed the reminder.) Today I scheduled myself to start volunteering again at the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Right before I left (a year ago) a couple other volunteers put on an evangelism seminar. Honestly, it made me uncomfortable. (And not just because I was very pregnant and squirming in my chair!) I know that they had good hearts... but it felt SO unnatural to me. These women almost put a guilt trip on you for not evangelizing to every girl that walked through our doors. Of course I wanted to share Christ... but something about it just wasn't right. A few months ago I was meditating on this very subject, and I decided that my approach to sharing Christ would be to focus on a person's worth - not their sin. We need to speak to the good in people... remind them that they are made in the image of Christ. If we tell them that they are beautiful and worthy, they will rise to that. Something in their spirit will hunger for that which is good (the Lord). We need to draw that part of them out, reminding them that the sin part, the broken part, is not who they were meant to be. Like you said... just loving them is what sends that message. Thank you for the reminder.

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