About Healing

You can't really be involved in ministry with sick people and not think about the mysterious topic of healing. It is a topic that I am not sure can ever been grasped in totality. There is no formula or magic words that can be said, no 'correct' actions to be done. It just seems as though God chooses to heal some and not others according to His plans and purposes.

This doesn't make me question the goodness of God, simply because I believe we are fallen people who are not deserving of anything. Every good thing is from above, an undeserved taste of heaven, a gift. Suffering isn't necessarily because of a person's specific sin, or a lesson to be taught (though we usually grow tremendously through it), but we are living in a fallen world and suffering comes with it.

At the same time, I read in the book of John (and many other books, just most recently in John) when Jesus tells us to ask anything in His name and it will be done. Doesn't seem to be tricky or vague, in fact it seems pretty straight forward.

However, from most of our experience this doesn't always work.

We try and rationalize: Maybe it wasn't God's will? Maybe I didn't have enough faith? Maybe they didn't have enough faith? (That one is good, something you cannot possibly know or measure!) Maybe I should fast?

This post really won't answer anything for you... it is really just things Jon and I have been thinking and praying about.

It is difficult to sit by Ophelia while she is on the floor doubled over in pain as I plead with the Lord for momentary relief. Sometimes the miraculous doesn't always happen. Sometimes I have to leave her there in the bed with a strained face as she pushes through the pain. Sometimes they die alone in that dirty bed.

One thing I do believe is that it is not my heart that breaks when I see her, nor is it my compassion as I weep with her. We are selfish by nature. I believe those are feelings and emotions given by the heart of God. That is one reason I know He cares, He loves.

For now Jon and I have decided we will try and prepare ourselves better for our visits to the hospital. We will ask the Holy Spirit to fill us, to gift us, to enable us to do the works of Jesus. I think it is good to be deliberate about this.

We desire to be His vessels of comfort, of healing, of love. All the while we will keep searching and asking God for more understanding and more wisdom on this topic.

4 Response to "About Healing"

  1. Louisa Says:
    January 21, 2010 at 11:22 PM

    Your attitude towards this subjects seems right on. We know that we may never discover the "key"... but we will keep searching for it. I am convinced that even your simple presence at that hospital is a spiritual action. If nothing else, those men and women will not feel alone. Jesus, in you, is with them. And that is one of the deepest needs of every soul.

    Love you!

  2. judykprescott says:
    January 22, 2010 at 6:24 AM

    Oh, I so agree ya'll are doing SO much more than ya'll can see, or feel for each person you visit at that hospital. I do LOVE though what God is stirring in ya'll through this! Some wonderfully deep longings to better know your God. Sweet! I love Him and I love you and Jon. Also, Layne, you cause me to think and to pray for those people, His people. Thanks.

  3. judykprescott says:
    January 22, 2010 at 6:42 PM

    from tara on moms computer :)
    I've thought alot about this since the Haiti thing. Layne, they see that you and Jon have left the comfort of the U.S., you have left everything to come and be with them. To sit with them, love on them, hold their hands and pray with them. To be part of their life. They see that and I believe that they know it is outside of yourselves...that it has to be Jesus in you. Just keep loving and praying. I cannot imagine how hard it is to just watch people in pain and not be able to 'help' and relieve them of some pain. I agree we should be more deliberate on asking Jesus for strength wisdom and power. I wish I could be with you loving on them. We love you guys and we will be praying. God is strengthing you and working through ya'll in ways you may not see or understand. Trust Him....

  4. ninismom33 says:
    January 25, 2010 at 1:10 AM

    Reading a book on this same subject...hard. We can pray about this for ya'll more too. Love you

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