Bugs at midnight

So tonight we had two games to show for the African Cup of nations. One started at 6pm and one at 9:30pm. In order to get there, get set up, and catch a signal with the satellite, we had to leave about 3:30 in the afternoon...

I knew this was going to be a long night.

We got there and got set up, all except the satellite. Catching a signal is almost a joke. The satellite is SO picky; you have to be in the exact spot. It normally takes us close to an hour to find the signal and that is with a GPS! At our last game, after an hour and a half of trying, we called it quits concluding the clouds made it too difficult.

Tonight was cloudy.

After quite some time of trying, I remembered Jon and I had not prayed before we left the house. (Remember the blog about healing, where we decided to prepare ourselves better for ministry?) I climbed up the side of the truck, grabbed his hand, and told him we should pray. It was only a few minutes later that we caught the signal and were set for the night.

Thank you Jesus! You heard us and moved on our behalf!

The night was not a big turn out, and kind of disappointing for multiple reasons, but not worth going on about. Hopefully the few in attendance were blessed with a special treat of a big screen soccer game.

What I will chat about is the fact that soccer games are not short, and when one starts at 9:30 it won't be over until 11:30. Then we would have to take everything down and still drive home... not very close. As if that wasn't be late enough, guess what happened? They went into 30 minutes of overtime! Yep, we left after midnight. Phew! Talk about pooped!

Now about those bugs...

There was a light up above our screen; the screen I am in charge of taking up and down. It was night. We all know how bugs adore the light. Why oh why?

The screen was covered.

After the game I had help to lay it down, and then I had a piece of cloth to sweep the bugs off. If only they swept off and didn't fly. Every time I swept, they flew all around me and would land right back on the screen. I tried to stay calm, but once a large bug landed... not cool. I looked around for help, but realizing I was the only girl around, I was going to have to suck it up.

We finally turned the light off just while we folded the screen. It helped, but when we turned it back on to fold the frame, back they came. I would have to brushed them off every time I felt them crawling on my arms. Yeah, crawling. Sick. I got that frame folded as fast as possible and jumped into the car, still brushing my arms, though the bugs were no longer there.

1 Response to "Bugs at midnight"

  1. judykprescott says:
    January 25, 2010 at 5:13 AM

    OMG! I'm SO proud of you!!!!
    I can't believe you got that screen down, the bugs did not win!!! Oh yeah, more important... I love how God answered that prayer, where are the people who aren't sure God answers prayers anymore!

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