We need... slippers?

It's been cold! Okay..."cold" may not be the word you would use, but for me, it has been cold.

The past two days were cloudy, rainy, and in the 70's. I pulled out my long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and pants, as well as walked around the house with a blanket wrapped around me. We also decided we needed to pull out our slippers!

(Yeah, yeah, now that I uploaded the picture, I realize I am in a tank top, which defeats convincing you that it was cold, but when I was on the couch, I had a blanket on. Promise!)

I am a little sad that the sun is back out today and I think it will be in the 80's. Boo. Better than 90's though!

Tomorrow we leave for South Africa. We can only get 30 day visas at a time here in Mozambique, so we must leave and come back. I kind of feel as if it a forced vacation. Ha! We also have a interview with a potential partner for Angola on Friday in Bethlehem, South Africa. Hooray! Please pray with us, and we'll update you soon.

Anna, and others, my hubby now added a place where you can subscribe to my blog and receive an email when I post. Look to your right, and simply put your email in where it says "Subscribe". Thanks Jon! You're the best!

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